
III/III-4-b subdivision


B u d a p e s t, 16 December 1980

Subject: György Galántai

Report by secret agent with the alias “Zoltán Pécsi”

“My acquaintance paid a visit to György Galántai’s flat in Frankel Leó Street, where he had an extended conversation with Galántai. (Galántai’s wife and child were only present for a few minutes.) Galántai showed him the rearranged archives of his art ‘collection’ called Art Pool. He rearranged the room, had more cabinets and shelves put in. He stores the Art Pool materials here, and not in the previously mentioned room. The material is about 8-10 running metres of carefully organised documents. He organises the material by having a separate folder for each (individual or group) sender. Senders who send more material have more than one folder. There are approximately one thousand folders. 90% of the ‘corresponding partners’ are foreigners and 15-20% of them are from overseas (USA, Canada), while another 65-70% are Western Europeans (mainly Italy, France, West Germany and England). There are a small number of artists from Socialist countries (Czechoslovakia, Poland).

Galántai is planning a ‘stamp action’ in the near future. The sixth issue of the series of publications titled “Art Pool Window” was a call for projects and contains an English language text calling upon the addressed artists to make commemorative stamps by adding them to the space left empty on the other side of the sheet. Galántai’s plan is to make miniatures from the stamp designs he receives and arrange them into sheets with thirty on each. He would then print these sheets and make a catalogue, which he would send to all participants, i.e. those who sent stamp designs to Galántai. This project perfectly fits in with Galántai1s earlier concept, the main objective of which was to build a network between so far unknown artists.”

Tibor Horváth, 1st lieutenant

Registry number: 4/5-988.
Printed in 4 copies

[“Zoltán Pécsi” asks for forgiveness]

[To the attention of the readers / researchers]